Nicaragua Real Estate Law

Nicaragua real estate law lawyers
The Real Estate Law services of Lawyers of Nicaragua will protect you and arrange your new investments in Nicaragua and, at the same time, we will offer all the necessary guidance and optimal evaluations of properties so that you can look into the best options in the areas of your interest.

Wide Experience in Nicaragua Real Estate Law

In terms of Real Estate purchasing, there is essentially no limitation for nationals and foreigners alike. Nicaragua has a variety of residential houses, condominiums and apartments to offer to potential buyers at different price ranges.

leon Nicaragua Real Estate Law lawyers
leon Nicaragua Real Estate Law lawyers

Wide Experience in Nicaragua Real Estate Law

In terms of Real Estate purchasing, there is essentially no limitation for nationals and foreigners alike. Nicaragua has a variety of residential houses, condominiums and apartments to offer to potential buyers at different price ranges.

The Basic Process that our Ecuadorian attorneys use is:

Step 1: Conduct Extensive Title Search to determine the existence of any liens, encumbrances and specially assess the official ownership of the property.

Step 2: Prepare the Property Transfer Deed with all the specific clauses and conditions required for the transfer including basic ones such as: property description, location, property number, ownership, payment method, and new owner details.

Step 3: Present the Transfer Deed along with other requested documents at the Municipality to obtain specific applicable taxes and expenses required to complete the legal act including a payment to the provincial government.

Step 4: Appear with the Transfer Deed before a Notary Public

Step 5: Officially Register the Notarized Public Transfer Deed at the Property Registry

Our support encourages foreigners to securely invest in Ecuador real estate for sale in many types of properties that are available all across the country. It can be just a residential purchase or a complex business development, in any case, our attorneys are experienced in many existing variables and will provide a world class service.

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